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The Mystery Master website is introducing free membership! Membership allows you to convert from a casual user (visitor) into an engaging user (member). Membership allows you to solve logic puzzles, view analysis and additional information about a puzzle, and more. And it's very easy join - all you need is a unique username and your email address. Please read on to learn more.

The actions required for membership are performed by the Member page. Below is a list of these actions. Each will be discussed in detail.

Sign In/Out

The "Sign In/Out" process is like a light switch. If you have not signed in yet, you will see "Sign In". Once you do sign in, you will see "Sign Out". To sign in, you need to enter your (1) username, and (2) password, then click the Submit button. Your password should be unique to this website, and should not be shared with anyone. For your piece of mind, your password is encrypted. If you do not have a username, please see Create Member. If you forgot your password, please see Forgot Password.

Create Member

This option is available when you have not signed in yet. To streamline the process, you only need to enter your (1) unique username, and (2) email address, then click the Submit button. The username must be between 8 and 64 characters, and it's probably best you keep your username a secret. If the username already exists, you will need to overcome your disappointment and select another username. Your email address is required so that a temporary password can be sent to you. Once you receive your temporary password, you should sign in and change your password to something you can remember.

If you want to share more information about yourself, please see Update Member.

Forgot Password

This option is available when you have not signed in yet (obvious, right?). To email your temporary password, you need to enter your (1) username, and (2) email address, then click the Submit button. Once you receive your temporary password, you should sign in and change your password to something you can remember.

Change Password

This option is available after you have signed in. Two password fields will display below the message line. You need to enter (1) your new password, and (2) confirm your new password. Your new password must be between 8 and 64 characters. Once you have entered the same password into both fields, please click the Submit button. If your change is successful, an email will be send to notify that your password has changed. This email is sent in the unlikely event that somebody changed your password without your knowledge.

Change Email

This option is available after you have signed in. The new email address field will display below the message line. You need to enter your new email address, then click the Submit button. If your change is successful, an email will be send to both your old and new email addresses that your email address has changed. This email is sent in the unlikely event that somebody changed your email address without your knowledge.

Update Member

This option is available after you have signed in. Several fields will display below the message line. Here is a (tongue-in-cheek) summary of each field. Please know that your information is not shared.

Below is the schema for the member table. You can see that the username column is the primary key (PK). That is why you cannot change it. Furthermore, it's probably best that you do not share your username with anyone.

Schema for Member Table
Name Type Null Default Comments
username (PK) varchar(64) No None Username. Cannot be changed.
password blob No None Encrypted password.
password2 blob Yes Null Encrypted password in case member forgot.
emailTo varchar(255) No None Email address.
emailTo2 varchar(255) Yes Null Other email address.
firstName varchar(64) No None First name.
lastName varchar(64) Yes Null Last name.
birthDate date Yes Null Birth date.
gender char(1) No None M=Male, F=Female, U=Unspecified.
phone varchar(32) Yes Null Cell phone number.
phone2 varchar(32) Yes Null Other phone number.
address1 varchar(128) Yes Null Address line 1
address2 varchar(128) Yes Null Address line 2.
city varchar(64) Yes Null City.
state varchar(64) Yes Null State/Province
zipCode varchar(16) Yes Null Postal/Zip code.
country char(3) No None Country.
startDate timestamp No Current_Timestamp Start date. Autogenerated.
lastVisit timestamp No Current_Timestamp Date and time of last visit.


I hope you see the value in becoming a member. The most important benefit about you becoming a member is that it validates my believe in my website. Thank you.