Analysis of Team Tutor |
This four-star logic puzzle has 5 noun types, 5 nouns per type, 1 link, 43 facts, and no rules. It needs 250 marks and 10 grids. Though difficult, this puzzle is solved using level 1a logic, along with the laws. So instead of explaining how to solve this puzzle, I will explain how to create its puzzle module in JavaScript.
There are basically two steps in solving any logic puzzle. When you scan the clues, you must:
There is one situation where defining the nouns in a puzzle can be tough. That is when some of the nouns are missing. Fortunately, all of the nouns are given in this puzzle.
Defining the relationships between the nouns is a little trickier. Most of the time the relationships are between two nouns, and the relationship does not depend on other factors. When you have a simple relationship between two nouns, this is called a fact. When you have more than two nouns involved, or there is some condition made, this is called a rule.
For this puzzle, we have the simplest of relationships; whether one noun is or is not with another noun. So we will have only facts; there are no rules.
Before reading on, please examine this puzzle and see if you can organize the nouns in the puzzle by category. Make sure you carefully scan the introduction for nouns as well. When you are ready, click on the Nouns tab for the puzzle to see if you are correct.
You can see that the days are sorted by their order in the week, while the nouns are in alphabetical order. In almost every puzzle you will solve, the nouns in the first column are in some logical order. This order is based on the relationships in the puzzle. For example, say we had the clue "Dave was tutored later in the week than Carl." We would want the days to be sorted, even if we do not need this relationship.
For this puzzle, we could have put the days in alphabetical order, but my advise is to always put the nouns in the first column in logical order.
Note: Did you see Godfrey and history in the introduction? Did you realize that Egbert Smart is the name of the tutor, and is not the name of a student being tutored?
The verbs and the first link with are always defined for every logic puzzle. What is already defined for the verbs and links is all we need for this puzzle. You may click on the tab of each one to take a look, but are focus is on converting the clues in this puzzle into facts.
All of the clues for this puzzle can be expressed as facts; there are no rules required for this puzzle. Can you find all 43 facts for this puzzle? I will give you some help. All of the facts for this puzzle are of the form: Noun1 is [not] with noun2. When you are ready, click on the Facts tab.