Change Log |
- Need to update help/logic-puzzle-solve-js.php.
- Does metawork folder need its own copy of the JavaScript files?
- puzzles/index file is missing closing table tags on last table!
- Updated css/default.css file.
- Updated header.php as sticky header with "scroll-to-bottom" arrow.
- Updated footer.php as sticky footer with "scroll-to-top" arrow.
- Updated root files, help files, help/analysis files, and puzzles/index file.
- Change help/analysis files from php include header to include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/inc/header.php");
- Updated help/img/about.gif
- Removed membership requirement for Puzzle part files in the help/puzzle and help/solved folders.
- Removed membership reequirement for files in the help/analysis folder.
- Removed membership.php file in the help folder.
- Removed member.php in the root folder.
- Updated index.php, favorites.php files in the root folder.
- Removed membership requirement for puzzles in the puzzles folder.
- Updated head.php, footer.php files in the puzzles/inc folder.
- Updated header.php file in the root/inc folder.
- Removed "<?php include("inc/session.php"); ?>" in Filer.ts functions buildPHPFile, getHeader
- Removed the hq folder from the website.
- Removed the ts folder from the website.
- Removed the videos folder from the website.
- Removed Debe.php, Logjam.php, Mailer.php, session.php files from root/inc folder.
- Removed footer in root, help, help/analysis files.
- Converted JavaScript files to TypeScript.