Change Log Scroll To Bottom



  1. Need to update help/logic-puzzle-solve-js.php.
  2. Does metawork folder need its own copy of the JavaScript files?
  3. puzzles/index file is missing closing table tags on last table!


  1. Updated css/default.css file.
  2. Updated header.php as sticky header with "scroll-to-bottom" arrow.
  3. Updated footer.php as sticky footer with "scroll-to-top" arrow.
  4. Updated root files, help files, help/analysis files, and puzzles/index file.
  5. Change help/analysis files from php include header to include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/inc/header.php");


  1. Updated help/img/about.gif
  2. Removed membership requirement for Puzzle part files in the help/puzzle and help/solved folders.
  3. Removed membership reequirement for files in the help/analysis folder.
  4. Removed membership.php file in the help folder.
  5. Removed member.php in the root folder.
  6. Updated index.php, favorites.php files in the root folder.
  7. Removed membership requirement for puzzles in the puzzles folder.
  8. Updated head.php, footer.php files in the puzzles/inc folder.
  9. Updated header.php file in the root/inc folder.
  10. Removed "<?php include("inc/session.php"); ?>" in Filer.ts functions buildPHPFile, getHeader
  11. Removed the hq folder from the website.
  12. Removed the ts folder from the website.
  13. Removed the videos folder from the website.
  14. Removed Debe.php, Logjam.php, Mailer.php, session.php files from root/inc folder.
  15. Removed footer in root, help, help/analysis files.


  1. Converted JavaScript files to TypeScript.